Baron Beat

Published 2:00 pm Thursday, October 26, 2023

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New members of the Baron Family

We have a few new members in our Baron Family this year and we want to be sure to show them all how Barons Soar to achieve their dreams!

Starting with a new teacher for our Freshman Barons is Mrs. Amanda Hobbs. Mrs. Hobbs is currently teaching English to all freshmen but she is not new to Gates County Schools.

Mrs. Hobbs taught English at Central Middle School for nine years before transitioning into being the countywide AIG teacher for five years. She is now teaching English at the high school level because she missed the subject and she was able to form positive relationships with students in the classroom on a daily basis.

The relationships she gets to form with her students are her favorite part of teaching and when asked if she was enjoying her time at GCHS she happily said, “I love it”.

Mrs. Hobbs is doing well and even though going back to the classroom is a huge adjustment, she is thoroughly enjoying it. She would like all students to “enjoy your high school years, but also realize they are important for your future.”

By Kaitlynn Kopin

Baron Beat Staff Writer


There is a new counselor joining the Baron Family this year. Her name is Mrs. Jordan Casper and she is the counselor for the classes of 2025 and 2026.

Before becoming a Baron, Mrs. Casper worked at Currituck High School for almost seven years as a counselor but moved here for an easier commute.

This is her first year at GCHS but she is adjusting well and likes being at a smaller school over a larger one because it is easier to know her students.

Mrs. Casper has enjoyed being able to go to school games and being more involved with after school activities since she was not able to at Currituck because her commute was so long. She is enjoying her time here and would like the underclassmen to understand that “even though you may not think it counts, your attendance and academics count. So try to stay out of trouble, keep a good attendance record, and aim for good grades for a better future. These years matter the most.”

By Kaitlynn Kopin

Baron Beat Staff Writer


For the Senior Barons this year is a new college advisor. Her name is Ms. Atavia Mallory and she is here to help the class of 2024 apply to colleges and universities and make it a smoother transition.

Ms. A is completely new to GCHS as she came straight from UNC Chapel Hill because she wanted to gain more experience with young adults.

Although she was an intern at an elementary school, she is enjoying the Baron Family as she gets to do what she loves and have a permanent job.

Ms. A is adjusting well and wants our seniors to “take a chance on new advantages because your life may not look how you planned it to be. Everything happens for a reason.”

By Kaitlynn Kopin

Baron Beat Staff Writer